How do I know what Kumon level is for what grade
Like what grade is Level G in?
it’s kinda hard to explain
9 Answers
Hello there, Ephraim Fowler!
A is equivalent to 1st Grade
B is equivalent to 2nd Grade
C is equivalent to 3rd Grade and it goes on…
One Kumon Level higher is equivalent to one school level higher too.
Oh, and 2A is one level below first grade.
3A is two levels below first grade and so on and so forth.
I guess you got the idea.
So G for instance is 7th Grade.
If you are more advanced in Kumon than in your School level, you are already a Kumon awardee.
Hope this helps:)
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Kumon Math Levels Grade Equivalent
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Kumon level-School Grade?
How do I know what Kumon level is for what grade
Like what grade is Level G in?
it’s kinda hard to explain
A is for grade 1-2
B is for grade 3
C is for grade 4
D is for grade 5
E is for grade 6
F is for grade 7
G is for grade 8
H is for grade 9
I is for level 9-10 so pretty much 9.5. kind of…
J is for grade 10
K if for level 10-11.
L is for level 11-12
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Yes i was also in Kumon for about 2 years….. You learn things sooooooo fast and you get really good at the things you are practicing. I was able to do multiplication and divition alot better then anyone in my class. BUT it really didnt help me that much in the long run. But it helped me learn my tables very fast. I would do Kumon untill your child learns the skills you want him/her to learn. Then take them out because i was in there for far to long. Kumon is very repetative first they do adding subtarcting multiplying dividing.. Then they do things like multiplying 3 diget numbers and dividing 3 diget numbers SO what im saying is kumon does help but once your child has learned what he/she needs to learn take them outta there Good Luck 🙂
what grade level is it if my son is in Grade K math level A1
Source(s): OnlineDegreeFAQs – -
math k