is it affects or effects
6 Answers
Affect with an a means “to influence,” as in, “The arrows affected Ardvark,” or “The rain affected Amy’s hairdo.” Affect can also mean, roughly, “to act in a way that you don’t feel,” as in, “She affected an air of superiority.”
Effect with an e has a lot of subtle meanings as a noun, but to me the meaning “a result” seems to be at the core of all the definitions. For example, you can say, “The effect was eye-popping,” or “The sound effects were amazing,” or “The rain had no effect on Amy’s hairdo.’”
Therefore, the answer is “The fireworks exhibition had awesome effects.”
The Fireworks Exhibition Had Awesome
Awesome Effects
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fireworks exhibition awesome ___
is it affects or effects
The effects of the disaster really affected me.